2024_09_02_RECA-UK Catalogue_August_2024

RECA Countersink 90° Deburring Tool - 4pc Set

Ideal tool for countersinking and deburring work. ¤ The advantages of through-hole countersinks are excellent chip removal through the slot which prevents chips from clogging the work piece and chatter free deburring and countersinking. ¤ HSS-Co - Ideal for use on stainless, aluminium and plastics; for use on plumbing and heating systems, automotive workshops, mechanical engineering, steel construction.

Art. No.

Size Head Ø Shaft Length

RECA Counterbore 0692 190 20 15-20 28 0692 190 05 2-5 10 0692 190 10 5-10 14 0692 190 15 10-15 21

6 8

45 48 65 85

10 12

4pc set available Art. No. 0692 190

Counterbore for through hole with straight shank DIN 373, used to enable you to fit a cap head socket screw flush to the surface. Art. No. Ø Thread Length 0692 610 30 6 M3 71 0692 610 40 8 M4 71 0692 610 50 10 M5 80 0692 610 60 11 M6 80

0692 610 80 15 M8 100 0692 610 100 18 M10 100 0692 610 120 20 M12 100

6pc set available comprising M3, M4, M5, M6, M8 & M10 Counterbores Art. No.: 0692 610

01 20 - Reproduction, even in part prohibited. Printed in UK Modified: 23 August 2024 01 20 All dimensions in mm unless otherwise stated.

01 20

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