2024_09_02_RECA-UK Catalogue_August_2024

The MetalMax With high quality carbide teeth - for 30 times longer lifetime than a standard HSS saw blade - and a tapered base body, to reduce jamming.

AIZ 32 AT Metal ¤ Excellent for cutting hardened screws and nails, cutting inox/ stainless steel (e.g kitchen

front cover) or plunge cuts in severely abrasive materials (e.g fibreglass, plasterboard, cement bonded fibre boards etc).

Art. No.

Description Immersion Depth Pack Qty

3696 710 152 AIZ 32 AT




AIZ 32 AB Metal ¤ For flush cutting nails or copper pipe plus plunge cuts in plasterboard

Art. No.

Description Immersion Depth Pack Qty


3696 545 525 AIZ 32 AB



BIM TiN segemented saw blade Features a pointed segment saw blade, for precise work right into corners with additional titanium nitride coated tooth strip, for 30% longer lifetime

ACZ 85 EIB Multi Material ¤ Suitable for plunge cutting in plasterboard or cement bonded fibre boards (e.g. for installing a ventilator), cutting smaller mouldings to length (e.g aluminium floor covers trips) and cutting recesses in epoxy/glass fibre reinforced plastic.

Art. No.

Description Pack Qty

3696 582 230 ACZ 85 EIB



ACZ 100 BB Wood and Metal ¤ Cutting a door frame to length on the floor (softwood, hardwood, veneered panels, plastic laminated panels), cutting out laminate/parquet (e.g for installing a partition wall), cutting smaller mouldings to length (aluminium floor cover strips).

Art. No.

Description Pack Qty

3696 492 379 ACZ 100 BB



ACZ 85 EB Wood and Metal ¤ Cutting a door frame to length on the floor (softwood, hardwood, veneered panels, plastic laminated panels) ¤ Cutting out laminate/parquet (e.g for installing a partition wall) ¤ Cutting smaller mouldings to length (aluminium floor cover strips)

Art. No.

Description Pack Qty

3696 492 393 ACZ 85 EB



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