2024_09_02_RECA-UK Catalogue_August_2024
Arecal Long Lub
¤ Long-life, extreme pressure lubricant that offers excellent adhesion and resistance to centrifugal forces. ¤ A non-sticking fluid with good creeping qualities to allow penetration into inaccessible areas - can be used to lubricate chains. Fast evaporation properties allow strong adhesion onto metal.
¤ Offers excellent resistance to weather, water, water jets, salt water, many alkalies & acids and is heat resistant to +200°C. The product also drives out dampness and hence another of its uses can be as a surface protector for parts of winter vehicles for road builders. ¤ For use on all types of hinges, couplings, machines and precision parts such as rollers, ball-bearings and cog wheels. ¤ Does not contain solvents. Art. No. Type Case Qty 0896 213 400 400ml Aerosol 15 Arecal Tef Clear
¤ Synthetic non oiling, dry lubricant, ideal for lubricating points, in which oily or greasy lubricants are not suitable as later dirt will stick to them. ¤ Contains 25% PTFE (PolyTetraFlouroethylene - used as a non stick coating) which guarantees sealing of the entire surface that is treated while reducing friction, wear and energy consumption of machinery. ¤ Ideal for lubricating sliding way, gears, spindles, guiding devices, transport chains and gear wheels, resistant to water, petrol, oils and alkalis and withstands temperatures from –180ºC to +260ºC. ¤ Drying time of 5-10 Minutes. Especially ideal in dusty environments.
Art. No.
Case Qty
0896 711 400 400ml Aerosol
Arecal Rostex
¤ Rostex contains 98% active ingredient for universal use - silicone free and does not contain dioxides, cadmium or lead. ¤ Penetrates rust to ease threaded fasteners and also cares for and protects chrome parts. With excellent creeping properties which prevents further corrosion. ¤ Cleans and protects drive chains for easy smooth running. ¤ Repels water and ensures contact and offers long-term protection against squeaking.
Art. No.
Case Qty
0896 011 300 300ml Aerosol
10 06 - Reproduction, even in part prohibited. Printed in UK Modified: 30 August 2024 10 06
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